Keene Valley
In the heart of the high peaks
There is more to Keene Valley than initially meets the eye. A vibrant public library, unique eateries, The Mountaineer - an outdoor gear retail business, The Keene Congregational Church, The Birch Store selling apparel for men and women as well as beautifully selected home goods, The Neighborhood House, an assisted living home, Keene Valley Hardware, are some of the establishments that are seen along the main street. Keene Valley Central School, often referred to as the public private school, educates select students from neighboring towns as well as their own, and is a focal point in this small town. Guide services for rock climbing, ice climbing, fishing, hiking, skiing abound as does a nice selection of Bed and Breakfasts.
Keene Valley is the departure point for many of the popular High Peaks hikes as well as less known favorites. As you head south on Rte 73 towards the hamlet, Noonmark Mountain in the foreground and Dix in the back ground are my favorite mountain images.
What you don't see is the closely woven community of families, writers, artists, intellectuals, activists and recreational enthusiasts. And tucked away on mountain slopes are some of the old Adirondack Camps and summer homes that house the generational summer people who balance busy lives elsewhere with their Adirondack summers.
Unspoiled and charming, this small valley hamlet at the foot of the Adirondack High Peaks with The Ausable River running through has great appeal.